Will Stotts joins the cast of Madagascar as “Skipper,” the leader of the penguins and mastermind behind their plots! This will be Will’s Casa Mañana debut. Don’t miss him in Madagascar, October 8-23!
Will jokes about getting into his character: “In order to represent a penguin truthfully, one must only eat raw fish, take ice baths, and slide around on their belly in order to get around. It is the only way.” While getting into character to play a penguin may take some work, Will does recognize some similarities between him and his character. “I have a very expressive face and a loud voice. Therefore, Skipper has a very expressive face and a loud voice.”
While he makes sure to drink plenty of water before a show, Will doesn’t have any particular superstitions around performances. “I don’t have any superstitions, but maybe I should adopt some? Might make me more interesting.”
When asked about his favorite part of his experience at Casa, Will said this: “The people! This cast/crew are all super hard working, helpful, and just all around great humans.”
Madagascar – A Musical Adventure runs October 8-23. Tickets available at https://secure.casamanana.org/events/madagascar/!