Reid Cabaret Theatre Patron Survey

Cabaret Patron Survey
What is your age?
How far do you travel to get to The Reid Cabaret Theatre?
What is your current employment status?
When you attend a show at The Reid Cabaret Theatre, how many people are in your party?
What is the #1 reason you buy tickets to The Reid Cabaret Theatre?
Would you attend a Sunday matinee performance of a Reid Cabaret Theatre show?
Why do you see a show in The Reid Cabaret Theatre?
Our 2024-25 Reid Cabaret Theatre season has 5 shows. How many shows do you plan to see next season?
Would you see more than 5 shows a year in The Reid Cabaret Theatre?
How often do you go “out on the town” for something other than a meal at a restaurant? (i.e., seeing a show, visiting a bar, going to the movies, attending a concert)
How often do you go out to eat in Fort Worth?
Would you come earlier or stay longer prior to or following a show in The Reid Cabaret Theatre if the bar was open longer?
If the Reid Cabaret Theatre was open as a bar, would you attend regularly? Live entertainment would be provided, but the format would be background or casual listening.

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